The Dow made a slight improvement during the day by surging almost 1100 points but ended up losing more 500 points by the next opening showing just how high
The Dow made a slight improvement during the day by surging almost 1100 points but ended up losing more 500 points by the next opening showing just how high the volatility is on wall street at the moment. The massive improvement on Tuesday was after US President Donald Trump suggested a 0% payroll tax rate that could last until the end of the year and Vice President Pence said that Insurance Companies will pay for Coronavirus treatment. The Trump administration reportedly is also mulling plans to launch federal assistance to struggling oil and gas producers. The federal assistance is likely to include low-interest government loans to the shale companies, which have seen credit lines dry up, the report added.Theannouncement delivered a slight boost to markets, but with the sentiment on stocks still likely to driven by the latest virus headlines, investor worries about it becoming a global pandemic lurked in the background. So investors are still treading softly on already soft ground. According to the latest events in the market, the US Treasury Department will be releasing its report today at 2:00 to show the Federal government's income and spending over the last month. This report comes out once a month on the 8th business day of the month 'Actual' less than 'Forecast' is good for currency and economy in general. This release is important because it shows in which direction the economy is inclined and might prompt the next movement for the Dow Jones.