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28 Percent Decline in Industrial Production in Italy!

There was occured a 28 percent decrease in industrial production in Italy. The decrease in March compared to the previous month was above the expected.

28 Percent Decline in Industrial Production in Italy!
Yazar: Elif Dinçer

Yayınlanma: 11 Mayıs 2020 22:03

Güncellenme: 8 Ocak 2025 06:42

There was occured a 28 percent decrease in industrial production in Italy. The decrease in March compared to the previous month was above the expected. According to data released by Istat in Rome on Monday, industrial production in Italy dropped by 28 percent. The net rate was recorded as 28.4. The median of the expectations of the 18 experts participating in the Bloomberg survey ranging from minus 28 percent to minus 5.6 percent was 20.0 percent. The announced February data was revised from minus 1.2 percent to 1.0 percent. Industrial production in March, which is regulated by the working day, decreased by 29.3 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The seasonally adjusted March data predicts a 27.1 percent annual contraction.
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