3 Dividend Stocks That You Can Keep Throughout Your Life - Johnson & Johnson
2- Johnson & Johnson
Many products manufactured and sold by Johnson&Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) have led the company to global branding. The registry is a company with the purity of baby powder.
Apart from consumer goods, the company also has a pharmaceutical and medical devices division responsible for pharmaceutical drugs to combat disease.
Johnson & Johnson recently formulated a COVID-19 vaccine approved and authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
What investors may not have anticipated is that, in addition to offering the latest products and being a leading home brand, corporate stock is a consistent and reliable dividend payer.
Its dividends have been rising for 57 consecutive years, as the company has successfully managed a series of crises it has struggled with for many years. Johnson & Johnson paid a dividend of $ 0.62 per share in fiscal 2000, and increased its dividend per share more than six times in fiscal year 2020 to $ 3.98.
The company appears determined to maintain this dividend record as annual sales in healthcare, pharmaceuticals and medical devices continue to act as a buffer in 2020, despite weaker consumer demand for certain products.
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ)
Source: https://www.fool.com/
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