Yayınlanma: 9 Eylül 2020 18:36
Güncellenme: 23 Mart 2025 01:52
“The end of the pandemic will be the day when every one of us will take responsibility and (learn) how to behave with the virus. That depends on us — That day can even be tomorrow,”Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for EuropePreparations for the upcoming winter season come as countries try to orchestrate a delicate balancing act: reopening their economies while also achieving public health goals. The World Health Organization has said it “fully supports” efforts to reopen societies, adding it wishes to see children returning to school and people returning to work. But the virus has not gone away, which made the WHO insisted that countries around the world must be serious about suppressing the transmission of the virus and saving lives. “Opening up without having control is a recipe for disaster,” the United Nations health agency has warned. Dr. Simon Clarke, associate professor in cellular microbiology at the University of Reading, said “much stricter messaging” from lawmakers across the globe would be required to ensure people remain vigilant to the risk of inadvertently spreading a virus, even if it was not Covid-19. You might also be interested in: