Bakery That Produces Purple Bread
A bakery in Bursa produced purple bread consisting of a mixture of 7 separate fruits and vegetables. 400 grams of purple bread, which is a source of healing, is offered for sale at 10 pounds.
A bakery in Bursa produced purple bread by adding a mixture of purplemix obtained from anthocyanins of 7 fruits and vegetables from The Brain Research Center of Istanbul University. 7 purplemix powder consisting of the pigment of fruits and vegetables gives the bread a purple color. Anthocyanin, which is known to open blood vessels in the body, is a source of healing when it enters bread. The bakery, which produces purple bread by adding purplemix powder to wheat and whole wheat flour, offers 400 grams of purple bread for sale at 10 TL. Although the citizens do not recognize too much purple bread, those who use it to benefit are very happy with purple bread.
Tarik Morgul, manager of the bakery that produces purple bread, said: "We make sour yeast breads. Besides this, we have purple bread which we produce together with Istanbul University. It consists of purple vegetable and fruit components prepared in the laboratories of the University. The mixture that gives purple bread its color includes blackberries, cherries, pomegranates, purple onions and pigments of eggplant. This bread contains anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is found in purple vegetables and fruits. They are called pigments that give color to vegetables and fruit. Fruit and vegetable have 1 million molecules in it, and the pigments that give it its color are 7. Istanbul University takes these 7 pygmies and produces purplemix powder."
Speaking of the benefits of anthocyanin, Morgül said, " anthocyanin has the ability to open a blood vessel. It also suppresses diabetes. It has an effect on Alzheimer's, a kind of bread that allows us to feed properly. We produce this bread by adding 10 percent to wheat and whole wheat flour. This bread only exists in Bursa. We sell 400 grams of purple bread for 10 pounds. They also make a forgery of this bread. If it turns pink when you drip Lemon on the purple bread, it's the real purple bread," he said.