Brexit Talks Could Be Concluded This Weekend
Brexit talks could be concluded this weekend. EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier gave information on the issue.
European Union (EU) Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier stated that the ongoing Brexit talks between the EU and the UK could be concluded this week.
According to the report of Bloomberg, the dominant sources said that the UK was consensus on ensuring fair competition environment at the meeting attended by the representatives of 27 EU member countries. However, it was also informed that Britain was asked to soften its requests on fishing from the EU.
Stating that there are many problems that need to be solved about how often access will be made in fishing, the number of quotas and which ships will carry the British flag, Barnier stated that a solution about the fishing problem can solve the knot in the dispute.
Barnier said that two different scenarios appeared in the talks, according to the two representatives who provided information about the talks. The first was that if a fishing consensus could be reached, the trade agreement could be concluded this week. In case of the second scenario, it was stated that the negotiations could continue until December 31, if there is no agreement.
Bloomberg HT Türkiye'yi Sosyal Medyadan Takip Edin!