Dollar / TL Rate Followed a Horizontal Course
Dollar / TL rate followed a horizontal course. The currency traded sideways before noon today, after completing Wednesday at 7.9287.
The dollar / TL rate followed a positive trend this week and tested above the 8 level in Tuesday's transactions, exchange rate is floating above 7.90 today.
In today's transactions, the dollar / TL was traded at 7.9435 with a loss of 0.18 percent at TSI 10.15. Euro / TL traded at 9,4832 level.
While the one-year trading range in the currency is between the levels of 8.5793 - 5.7156, the 1-month moving average is 8.0060, the 50-day moving average is 7.9081, and the 100-day moving average is 7.5467.
Following the flow of economic news and the "new era" emphasis in President Erdogan's recent speech, there was a sharp decline in the currency.
Exchange rate closed the week on 7.6381 after the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (
CBRT)’s first policy meeting chaired by
President Naci Ağbal with a decision to set up 475 basis points increase in interest rates.
Borsa İstanbul, on the other hand, performed a record closing yesterday. BIST 100 Index closed the day at 1,325.47 points. The indicator index reached 1,332.78 points with an increase of 0.56 percent.
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