Ministry of Treasury and Finance Will Employ 53 Personnel
The Ministry of Treasury and Finance will employ 53
personnel. The application for the exam, which will start on October 5, will end on October 16.
In the announcement of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance published in the Official Gazette, 3 computer operators, 25 assistant workers, 2 drivers, 15 protection and security guards, 3 electrical technicians, 2 construction technicians, 2 plumbing technicians and 1 air conditioning technician to be assigned to various units. It was announced that 53 personnel will be recruited.
Applications for the entrance exam will begin on October 5th and end on October 16th. Applications will be made electronically from the ministry's "" address.
The exam in question will be held in Ankara and will be verbal. Candidates will be ranked starting from the highest KPSS score for each position and a maximum of four times the number of quotas will be invited to the candidate entrance exam. Starting from the highest score for each position, according to the success ranking, the number of candidates will be announced as original and at most half of this will be announced as substitute.