The investment amount will be determined in
foreign currency in the application of obtaining the right to Turkish citizenship in return for a fixed-term investment, real estate purchase, and keeping the securities in banks for a certain period of time.
In the practice of entitlement to Turkish citizenship, which was determined in
foreign currency or its equivalent in TL in the previous application, the equivalent of the amount was determined in TL. The monetary amount and conditions of the amounts remained unchanged.
Pursuant to the provision added to the decision, the principles to be applied in determining whether the investment conditions are met within the scope and amounts in question will be determined by the institutions.
Investment amounts will first be deposited with the Central Bank
According to another article added to the decision, the determined foreign currency amounts will be sold to a bank operating in Turkey and to the
Central Bank by this bank before the transaction. TL amounts converted to TL as a result of the purchase will be kept in TL deposits and government debt instruments for 3 years. The application principles will be determined by the
Central Bank.