President Erdogan Gave a Date for Normalization
President Erdogan gave a date for normalization. Erdogan pointed out after the Ramadan Feast.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his holiday message, "Hopefully, we are taking steps to normalize in a controlled manner after the holiday, by taking the epidemic under control."
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in his message on the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr, mentioned the controlled normalization steps after the Eid.
In the holiday message shared on the Presidential Twitter account, the following expressions were used:
"We will use every necessary method against the threat of the epidemic, especially the
vaccine. We act with the awareness that this is a difficult test. Hopefully, we are taking the normalization steps in a controlled manner after the holiday by taking the epidemic under control."
The message also included the following statements:
"If God allows, we will overcome the epidemic and achieve our country's goals by taking the reward for our sacrifices and hard work."