Research: Most retail workers are female
They announce that more women will have a say on their supervisory boards - many European retail companies are said to want to improve their largest target group. In reality, the majority of women are not on the board, but at the cash register.In an industry in which mainly women work and buy almost 80 percent of consumer goods. This emerges from a Bloomberg survey of the 24 listed retail, fashion and luxury companies in Europe. Most retail workers are female. The proportion of women in the industry is around 63 percent. Less than a quarter of women hold a management position. Those in the companies who make decisions for their predominantly female target group are primarily male.
Women in sales professions and marginal employment contracts make up
According to the Institute for Labor Market and Vocational Research (IAB); the percentage of women working in German retail is somewhat higher at 68 percent. Women in sales professions and marginal employment contracts make up the lion's share of the workforce in this sector - this is shown by calculations by the online portal Statista. Just under a third of the employees in this segment are male. The decision-making bodies of retail companies in Germany are, as the Bloomberg results show, significantly worse for women than for men. Only 38 percent of women in retail occupy top positions."Companies that predominantly have a majority of women in their ranks often also have men in top positions," said Denise Wilson-White in an interview with Bloomberg. She is the managing director of the Hampton-Alexander Review, a government-sponsored review panel that works for women on board and leadership positions in the 350 listed companies in the UK. It is not about lack of talent or ambition. "Women are often not accepted in selection processes because of prejudice against them. And because male managers often fill their successors in their own way."
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