What Did Investment Tools Save This Week?
In the week when the gram sales of gold increased by 2.17 percent, the shares traded in Borsa Istanbul experienced an average increase of 0.59 percent on a weekly basis. In foreign currency, while the dollar increased by 0.59 percent, the euro fell by 0.01 percent.
After reaching the highest 99,497.08 and the lowest 97,275.89 points, the BIST 100 index increased by 0.59 percent compared to the previous week and reached 98,758.96 points.
While the selling price of grams of 24-carat gold bullion, which is traded in the Istanbul free market, rose by 2.17 percent this week, the selling price of the Republic gold rose by 2.15 percent to 2.562.00 lira. The selling price of quarter gold, which was 613.00 lira in the previous week, increased to 626.00 lira this week.
In the exchange rates this week, the dollar increased by 0.59 percent to 6.9820 pounds, while the euro fell by 7.5 percent to 7.5450 pounds.
Mutual funds gained 0.48 percent this week, and private pension funds gained 2.11 percent. In terms of categories, stock funds with 2.17 percent gained the most value among mutual funds.