What is Foreign Exchange Forex? How to Trade Forex? Curiosities About Forex Markets...
Forex is an acronym formed by the first syllables of the words "Foreign Exchange". In its simplest definition, forex is the general name of the market where "the currency of one country is exchanged for the currency of another country". In Turkey, it is also known as "Foreks" (Leveraged Trading).

Considered as an international over-the-counter derivatives market, the Forex market (Foreign Exchange), unlike other financial markets, is not dependent on a single center and therefore, it is constantly evolving while maintaining its dynamic structure.
In Forex markets, just like in other markets, you make money by selling the currency pair you buy more expensive after it rises or buying the currency pair you sell cheaper after it falls. Forex transactions are Spot transactions, there are no Forward Transactions.
How to trade Forex?
To trade in the Forex market, you can open an account with a brokerage firm of your choice and then start trading from your computer, tablet or mobile phone, wherever there is internet with the collateral you deposit.
Which transactions are made in the Forex Market?
You can trade in the Forex market with a wide variety of instruments with different characteristics such as gold, stocks, indices, country currencies.
Where to trade Forex?
Trading on the Forex market is very easy and practical, you can open and trade from your computer, tablet or smartphone wherever there is internet access. Some brokerage firms have their own platforms in the Forex market, but the most accepted and widely used platform is known as MetaTrader.
What does Forex trading mean? (International foreign exchange market)
With a daily trading volume of $6 trillion, the global forex market is the most liquid financial market in the world. In the forex market, just like any other market, you make money by selling the currency pair you buy more expensive after it rises or buying the currency pair you sell cheaper after it falls. This is how you trade in the Forex market.

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