CMB Took A Precautionary Decision on Tureks Shares!
The CMB took a precautionary decision on Tureks shares. Tureks had been offered to the public 6 days ago.
The Capital Markets Board (CMB) issued a cautionary decision to an investor and a brokerage firm that mediates the transaction due to irregular transactions in Tureks Turizm Taşımacılık Inc.
The aforementioned decision was shared in the last
CMB bulletin in the section on measure and transaction bans. According to the decision, there was suspicion that Tureks Turizm Taşımacılık Inc. (TUREX) had committed the act enumerated in Article 107/1 of the Capital Markets Law numbered 6362 in the transactions carried out in the stock market. In order to protect the rights and benefits of investors and to prevent transactions aimed at creating an artificial market, it was decided that Hakan Dıravacı will apply a temporary transaction ban on stock exchanges for 6 months, starting with the transactions dated April 16, 2021.
Sanctions Applied to the Intermediary Institution As Well
In the text of the explanation, for the transactions carried out through Piramit Menkul Kıymetler Inc., which is the intermediary of the transaction; “In accordance with the provision in the first paragraph of Article 96 of the Capital Market Law numbered 6362 titled "Measures to be applied in the illegal activities or transactions of the capital market institutions" Until an additional decision to be taken by our Board, it has been decided to impose "gross settlement" and "deposit requirement" measures in share purchase and sale transactions to be made through the Stock Broker. "
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