Trade Minister Announced! Restriction on Automobile Sales
Trade Minister Mehmet Muş made important statements regarding the automotive markets. Muş noted that companies, galleries and rent a cars cannot sell cars registered for the first time before completing 6 months and 6 thousand kilometers. Hayrettin Ertemel, President of the Istanbul Motor Vehicle Dealers Association, stated that restrictions should also be imposed on individuals, otherwise speculation cannot be prevented.
Making important statements about the chip crisis that swept the world, Trade Minister Mehmet Muş said, "When the production in the chip slows down, it slows down the production of electronic devices and automobiles. Of course, this is a product that can be used up to phones and computers. Taiwan is a very important producer here. We also have investments related to this. In fact, a certain place in Ankara has been reserved for this.Of course, the crisis in Ukraine and Russia inevitably affects us and our trade relations. Of course, the target of 900 billion dollars was set before these crises. Inevitably, these targets will be affected. Therefore, their achievement may be delayed a little more. There is such a possibility. There is also a slowdown in the world. This slowdown is not only in our trade relations with Russia, but also in other countries of the world where there is a decrease in demand.Therefore, there will be a slowdown in the size of trade here. The target of 100 billion dollars that you mentioned will perhaps be achieved with a delay. Our President is the only leader who can talk to both the leader of Russia and the leader of Ukraine and develop relations. Therefore, we are trying to maintain our relations with these two countries, we want to maintain them, we want to maintain our level at a certain point. I think that the studies should be evaluated in this context."