German Industrial Companies Expect An Increase In Production
The expectations of the German industry for the development of production in the coming months have slightly improved.
The index of production expectations, compiled by the Munich Ifo Institute, rose to plus 20.8 points in September from the August level plus 15.6 points.
This follows a survey by the Ifo Institute, which reported on its results in a press release on Tuesday. "However, the outlook across sectors is very different," said Klaus Wohlrabe, head of research at Ifo.
German carmakers are optimistic and the sector's production expectations rose from 48 points in August to 53 points in September. However, companies in the engineering sector remain cautious.
The indicator of production expectations in the sector strengthened only slightly in September, to 3 points from the level of 2 points in the previous month.
However, the outlook for beverage producers has deteriorated and their output expectations have fallen to minus 10 points from the August value of minus 1 point.