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Minister Pekcan Invites Companies For Investment

Minister Pekcan invited companies to invest. Trade Minister of Turkey Ruhsar Pekcan called on local and foreign companies to 'invest in specialized free zones'.

Minister Pekcan Invites Companies For Investment
Yazar: Eylem Özer

Yayınlanma: 12 Eylül 2020 16:53

Güncellenme: 23 Mart 2025 17:19

Minister Pekcan Invites Companies For Investment Minister Pekcan invited companies to invest. Trade Minister of Turkey Ruhsar Pekcan called on local and foreign companies to 'invest in specialized free zones'. Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan called on local and foreign companies that wants to operate export-oriented in the fields of medium high and high technology manufacturing, software and IT product production to invest in 'specialized free zones'. Making a written statement, Minister Pekcan stated that the legal infrastructure preparations for the specialized free zones have been completed and announced that the evaluation of new investment projects and the acceptance of companies wishing to operate in the Istanbul Specialized Free Zone has started. Pekcan reminded that the Ministry of Commerce initiated this practice within the scope of the Presidential Execution Program, and noted that the Specialized Free Zones Project aims to accelerate the production of medium-high and high-tech goods and services in the export target with government support.   Reminding that the Decision on Support to be Provided in Specialized Free Zones was published in the Official Gazette on June 9 in order to put the Specialized Free Zones Project into practice, Minister Pekcan used the following statements:
'' With the aforementioned Presidential Decree, providing employment and lease support to companies that will operate in R&D intensive, high-tech or high value-added sectors with the goal of export, and the founding and operating companies, which are the main investors to establish these regions, for the fixed investment amount they commit at the investment phase or dividend support was allowed. This decision also brought an innovative vision to our country's free zones, which was put into effect in 1985 with the Free Zones Law. Second in the implementation of the Specialized Free Zones Project, the President's Decree No. 2846 amending the Decree on State Aids in Investments was published on 21 August. With this decision, investments to be made in the software and informatics sectors in the specialized free zones were included among the 'priority investments' issues, and interest support and insurance premium employer's share support were provided for them. ''
  In addition to these, Pekcan stated that the works to prepare the legal infrastructure of the specialized free zones have been completed and stated the following:
“With the additional incentives provided, while the legal infrastructure works of our specialized free zones were completed, the evaluation of investment projects and the acceptance of companies wishing to operate in the Istanbul Specialized Free Zone started. We invite local and foreign companies that want to operate export-oriented in the fields of medium high and high technology manufacturing, software and IT product production to invest in the specialized free zone. We invite local and foreign companies that will invest in our specialized free zones or wants to establish  a new specialized free zone, to our ministry with their projects. ''
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