Markets By TradingView

Most Sought-After Stocks of The Week

Most sought-after stocks of this week have been compiled. Users searched mostly for SASA, GARAN, GSRAY, FROTO and AVOD stocks this week.

Yazar: Eylem Özer

Yayınlanma: 28 Mart 2021 16:11

Güncellenme: 23 Mart 2025 17:26

Most Sought-After Stocks of The Week

Most sought-after stocks of this week have been compiled. Users searched mostly for SASA, GARAN, GSRAY, FROTO and AVOD stocks this week..

Movement summary of these stocks during the week is as follows:


Starting the week at 41.50, the stock climbed to 49.00 on Thursday. The stock then closed the week at 44.34. SASA


Starting the week at 4.19, the stock fell to 3.53 on Thursday. After these levels, the week closed at 3.71. GSRAY


Starting the week at 216.00. The stock, which fell as low as 190.70 on Friday, closed at this level as well. FROTO


Starting the week at 8.10. Having dropped to 6.85 on Friday, the stock closed the week at 6.88. GARAN


Starting the week at the level of 8.88. On Thursday, the stock rose as high as 11.25 and closed the week at 9.49. AVOD     Source:
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