Netflix Should Be The Only Stock To Buy Today
Netflix Should Be The Only Stock To Buy Today
Every serious investor has stocks in their portfolio that they consider important. Clearly, a stock of streaming media veteran Netflix(
NFLX (NASDAQ) $510,72 -1,68 (-%0,33) that will deliver strong long-term returns is one of them.
The company is the industry leader with 209 million paid subscribers and approximately $15 billion, and dominates the global video streaming industry with its annual content budget.
In the meantime, it is useful to examine a few aspects that many investors are still excited about Netflix and are interested in the stock due to the proliferation of new competitors. First, the fact that there are more streaming options arguably confirms the business model idea that Netflix pioneered more than a decade ago.
In reality, more streaming options confirm the business model idea that Netflix pioneered more than a decade ago. When everyone starts copying you, it turns out that you did the right thing.
Netflix Should Be The Only Stock To Buy Today
Netflix's history is full of changing established business practices with its own unorthodox ideas, smashing everything from Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video to market-leading Blockbuster, with its flexible service and low operating costs.
And then Netflix more or less left the DVD rental market.
The key component of a great long-term investment
The short history lesson above shows that Netflix is a natural leader and innovator. By the time broadband internet connections became widely available in the American market, Netflix was already ready to make the leap into an all-digital business.
Even knowing that this new era of online entertainment won't last forever, Netflix will find a way to take full advantage of everything that's coming. With this ultra-flexible approach to how business should be run, there will be real long-term investment opportunity.
Even if the market conditions change in an instant, it will be an opportunity to own the shares of the companies behind the next big change.
The Company has yielded 1,420% returns over the past decade and it's just the beginning. According to Nielsen's data, Netflix accounted for only 7% of total TV viewing time in the United States in June.
So if you had to pick just one stock to own, it would be Netflix.
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