Russia Extends Its Sanctions Against Western Countries
Russia extends its sanctions against Western countries.
President Vladimir Putin signed the decree stipulating that the
sanctions would be extended until December 31, 2021.
With the decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the country imposed "counter-sanctions" in response to the sanctions imposed by some countries, including the United States and the European Union, against Ukraine for the illegal annexation of Crimea and decided to extend until December 31, 2021.
With the decision taken in September, the European Union (EU) extended the economic sanctions imposed on certain sectors of Russia on the grounds that they destabilized Ukraine for 6 months.
Sanction War
The EU took the economic sanction decision imposed on Russia for the first time in 2014. Within the scope of the prolonged economic sanctions, 28 EU member countries do not sell weapons to Russia. However, some technologies used in the oil and gas sectors of Russia are prevented to purchase by EU countries.
Russian public banks are excluded from the financial sector in Europe. Additional sanctions of the EU, consisting of property freezing and a travel ban, affect many Russian and senior separatist officials.
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