Scope Of The State Of Emergency Was Extended In Japan
Scope of the state of emergency was extended in Japan. A state of emergency was imposed in the country due to the coronavirus epidemic.
The states of Hokkaido, Okayama and Hiroshima, where coronavirus (Covid-19) cases increased in Japan, were included in the state of emergency
The states of Hokkaido, Okayama and Hiroshima have joined the state of emergency, which is currently ongoing in
Japan in the states of Tokyo, Kyoto, Hyogo, Osaka, Aichi and Fukuoka as of this morning.
Accordingly, the scope of the state of emergency spread across the country to 9 states. In all regions, the state of emergency will end on May 31st.
In regions where the state of emergency is imposed, restaurants and bars are allowed to remain open until 8 pm at the latest, and alcohol sales are not allowed.
Places that engage in cultural and sporting events are obliged to accept customers up to 50 percent of their capacity.
Businesses that violate the rules can be fined up to 300 thousand yen ($ 2,750).
The Scope of the Semi-State of Emergency Has Also Widened
The semi-state of emergency practice in the states of Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Gifu, Mie, Ehime and Okinawa will continue until May 31 in the country. Starting this morning, Gunma, Isikawa and Kumamoto states were included in the application. In these states, the semi-state of emergency will end on June 13th.
Under the semi-state of emergency, restaurants and bars are required to close earlier. Those who violate the rules can be fined up to 200 thousand yen ($ 1,825).
In addition,
Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide rejected the National Union of Governors' (NGA) demand for a nationwide state of emergency.
In Japan, the number of coronavirus cases increased to 680 thousand 242 and the number of deaths due to coronavirus increased to 11 thousand 490. 1,231 people in the country are receiving coronavirus treatment in intensive care.