The Number of Cases Worldwide Exceeded 33 Million 62 Thousand
The coronavirus, which emerged in Wuhan, China and spread to more than 200 countries, continues to maintain its effects. Accordingly, the number of cases worldwide has exceeded 33 million 62 thousand.
The number of cases are increasing day by day in the coronavirus epidemic that occured in Wuhan, China's Hubey province and affects the whole world.
According to the "
Worldometers" website, where current data on countries and regions where the coronavirus epidemic occurred, 998,803 people died worldwide due to the Covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus.
While the number of infected people increased to 33 million 62 thousand 174 worldwide, 24 million 412 thousand 868 people with coronavirus recovered their former health. Treatment of 7 million 650 thousand 503 patients still continues.
While coronavirus was detected in 7 million 287 thousand people in the USA, which was at the peak in the number of cases and deaths, 209 thousand 177 people died due to the disease.
The countries that follow the USA, which maintains its leadership in the case ranking, are as follows:
"India (5 million 992 thousand 532), Brazil (4 million 718 thousand 115), Russia (1 million 143 thousand 571), Colombia (806 thousand 38), Peru (800 thousand 142), Spain (735 thousand 198), Mexico (726 thousand 431), Argentina (702 thousand 484), South Africa (669 thousand 498), France (527 thousand 446), Chile (455 thousand 979), Iran (443 thousand 86), England (429 thousand 277), Bangladesh (357 thousand 873), Iraq (345 thousand 969), Saudi Arabia (332 thousand 790), Turkey (312 thousand 966), Pakistan (310 thousand 275), Italy (308 thousand 104) and the Philippines (301 thousand 256). "
The countries listed after the USA, where the most loss of life is seen, are as follows:
"Brazil (141 thousand 441), India (94 thousand 534), Mexico (76 thousand 243), England (41 thousand 971), Italy (35 thousand 818), Peru (32 thousand 142), France (31 thousand 700), Spain (31 thousand 232), Iran (25 thousand 394), Colombia (25 thousand 296), Russia (20 thousand 225), South Africa (16 thousand 376), Argentina (15 thousand 543), Chile (12 thousand 591), Ecuador (11 thousand 273) and Indonesia (10 thousand 308). "