Yayınlanma: 24 Ağustos 2021 21:02
Güncellenme: 12 Mart 2025 16:01
OpenSwap Received A Total Investment of 1.5 Million Dollars!
Citigroup Pending Approval For Bitcoin Transactions
European stocks soared and focus shifted to German retail sales after Powell's speech! European stocks soared and focus shifted to German retail sales after Powell's speech!
Forex Signal For TRY/USD: Inflation Slowdown in November. Forex Signal For TRY/USD: Inflation Slowdown in November.
Forex Signal For GBP/USD: Bullish Trend Still Not Breaking While Recovery Continues. Forex Signal For GBP/USD: Bullish Trend Still Not
Forex Signal For EUR/USD: Starry US Data Points to Higher Fed Increases. Forex Signal For EUR/USD: Starry US Data Points to Higher Fed
Forex Signal For BTC/USD: Downside Continues as Bitcoin Recovery Moves Less. Forex Signal For BTC/USD: Downside Continues as Bitcoin Recovery
Yazılan yorumlar hiçbir şekilde Son Ekonomi Haberleri - Türkiye Dünya - ieconomy.io görüş ve düşüncelerini yansıtmamaktadır. Yorumlar, yazan kişiyi bağlayıcı niteliktedir.