Treasury Borrowed A Total of 7.43 Billion TL in Two Bonds
The Treasury borrowed 7.43 billion TL, including 24-month no-coupon bonds and 6-year CPI-indexed bonds and 14-month non-coupon bonds.
Treasury borrowed a total of 7.43 billion TL in two bonds. The
Ministry of Treasury and Finance made a net sales of 5.23 billion TL in return for a bid of 5.25 billion TL in the 6-year maturity, 1.45 percent real coupon payment every 6 months, CPI-indexed government bonds.
Real compound interest on bonds stood at 2.40 percent.
196.9 million TL net sales were made in return for the offer of 1.11 billion TL in 14-month non-coupon government bonds. Compound interest was at 15.54 percent.
The Treasury sold a total of 2 billion TL in two bonds prior to the auction.
The Ministry of Treasury and Finance, before the re-issuance of the 14-month coupon-free government bond, met all the offers of 50 million lira from the public, and sold 200 million lira against the 345 million lira offer from the market makers.
Treasury could not sell to the public before the re-issue of the CPI-indexed government bond with a 6-year maturity and a 1.45 percent real coupon payment every six months. In return for the 3 billion lira offer from the market makers, 1.75 billion lira sales were made.