Investment Support in Agriculture Will Continue For 4 More Months
Investment support in
agriculture will continue for another 4 months. The completion period of the investments will be July 16, 2021.
The Communiqué on the Amendment of the "Communiqué on Supporting Agricultural Investments within the Scope of the 13th Stage of Rural Development Supports" prepared by the
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.
According to the new decision, the deadline for the physical completion of investment projects to be supported under the communique was 15 March 2021, but it was extended until 16 July 2021.
The projects that have not been physically completed as of the date in question will be completed within a period of 90 days with the investors' own resources, if the investors request and the provincial directorate approves.
For investments that have been physically completed within the aforementioned date, but for which legal permissions have not been obtained, it will be possible to grant a period not exceeding 90 days if applied.