Peak In Income Inequality Was Istanbul!
Ratio of the income of the 20% with the highest income to the income of the 20% with the lowest income was highest in Istanbul in 2020.
The peak in income inequality was Istanbul. In the year of the coronavirus epidemic, there was an increase in inequality in income distribution in Turkey. The region with the highest income inequality was Istanbul, the focal point of the Turkish economy.
According to the Regional Results of the Income and Living Conditions Research published by the
Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), the region with the highest income ratio of the 20 percent group with the highest income to the income of the 20 percent group with the lowest income was Istanbul with 8.6.
Istanbul, which has many business lines in Turkey, was followed by the Mediterranean with 7.2 and Western Anatolia with 6.8.
According to the results of the research, the region with the lowest rate was recorded as Eastern Marmara, followed by Eastern Black Sea and Central Anatolia regions with 5.8.
The P80/P20 ratio is calculated as the ratio of the income of the 20% with the highest income to the income of the 20% with the lowest income. The smaller it gets, the less income inequality appears to be.
According to the results of the current research, the P80/P20 ratio was calculated as 8 in
Turkey in 2020. Thus, the highest level in 8 years was recorded at this rate.
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