The US Foreign Trade Deficit Reached A 14-year High In August
The US foreign trade deficit reached a 14-year high in August. The U.S. Department of Commerce said Tuesday that the trade deficit had risen 5.9 percent to $ 67.1 billion.
It thus reached its highest level since August 2006. Exports rose by 2.2 percent to USD 171.9 billion. Imports rose 3.2 percent to $ 239 billion. The US deficit in trade in goods reached a record $ 83.9 billion in August.
Both exports and imports have decreased since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, but exports have decreased further. After February 2020, exports have decreased by almost 18%, while imports have decreased by 3%.
The politically sensitive US trade deficit in goods in China narrowed by 6.7 percent in the eighth month of the year to $ 26.4 billion.